Rolling with the Punches is a series of 30 portraits. The collection consists of boxers’ mouthguards from three major cities in the Netherlands: Amsterdam, The Hague, and Rotterdam, which are all located in the Randstad region. This project incorporates participatory research to delve into social diversity and inclusivity within the boxing community. My exploration focuses on various aspects such as nationality, class, gender, and age, seeking patterns and insights within these categories. Each photograph in the series features a boxer against a white backdrop, with particular emphasis on the mouthguard. The mouthguard holds immense personal significance for boxers as it serves to protect their teeth and tongue, while also reducing the risk of sustaining a concussion. What makes each mouthguard unique is the distinctive teeth marks left by the boxers, which serve as a visual testament to the years of dedication, hard work, and perseverance they have invested in the sport. Boxing is not only a physical discipline but also a mental and emotional one, teaching individuals important values like discipline, resilience, and the ability to confront their fears head-on.