fiction writing
My time of glory was summer 2022, a few months before I got myself to come out. One evening I swung by Oosterpark, Amsterdam in search of a brisk intimate encounter. You could see young lesbian women and gender non-conforming folks coming around. Some were even my type – so butch you could mistake them for a dude. They would find somebody to pair up with and follow one another into the bushes. Women did not fear rejection nor intimidation and remained in the area until they found a perfect match for a tender moment together in the quiet of the park. What is private, or public, and how this interdependent dynamic relates to safety is up to debate. Especially for those who were closeted, maintaining confidentiality was important. Next to discretion, patience was a virtue. I was strolling for some time when I spotted a fit masc with wide shoulders who was slightly shorter than me. Much in cruising is said with the eyes. Ours happened to meet, and I hoped we shared the same intentions. I was a lucky woman. The stranger held my gaze and nodded toward a shadowed corner where the streetlights didn’t reach. They were a generous lover to me. When it was over, we both left, never asking each other what our names were. Their touch was all I craved. 
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